Recital Rehearsal and Show at The Berry Center
Rehearsal on the stage at the Berry Center will run from 9:00am to 12:30pm on Saturday, May 19th. Please plan on arriving at 8:45am. Come into the theater and find a seat to wait your turn on stage. Please no costumes at rehearsal, only regular dance attire and your dance shoes. We will run the show in the order of the performance, so please bring your recital line-up your received last week or the week before. After your child has finished with their dances, they are free to leave, unless they wish to participate in the finale, which will be practiced at the end of run through.
The Recital will start at 5:00pm on Sunday, May 20th. All students need to be at the theater no later than 4:30pm. Hair and make-up should be done at home. Go directly to the dressing area with your costumes. (Absolutely NO COSTUMES ARE ALLOWED IN THE AUDIENCE AT ANY TIME, ON A CHILD OR ON A HANGER!!)
Find your designated area and either get changed for your first dance, or if you are not performing until the 2nd half, leave your costumes in dressing area and find a seat for the show. All parents are responsible for dressing their child. Your child must be ready to dance 3 numbers before they go on. A runner will come to the dresssing area to pick up your child's class to bring them backstage. If your child is not with their class and ready to go, they will miss their time on stage. We will not hold the show to find a missing student. At this time parents my return to the theater to watch. PLEASE, I cannot stresss this enough, do not enter or exit the theater during a performance on stage. No only does it block others view and get in the way of the video, it is just inconsiderate to others and the dancers on stage.
It is always good to pack a recital bag the night before the show with shoes, costumes, safety pins, make-up, needle and thread and anything you might need in case of emergencies. Please not food in dressing area or theater, only water bottles. Make sure your child's names are in all of their costumes and shoes.
We will be holding classes the week after recital for end of year dance games and parties.
Thanks and Break-a-Leg!