I've had several more bouts of insomnia lately. Even Rik joined me in not being able to sleep one night last week!
I can't figure out why this is still happening. I weaned myself off nightly Ativan at least two weeks ago, but when I get into bed I find I cannot fall asleep. And when I finally do fall sleep, usually around 2 or 3 AM, it's patchy -- I awake frequently -- and I hardly ever feel rested. So I stay in bed until 10 AM when I tell myself I really need to get up.
I may have developed a very short window after getting into bed when I can fall asleep easily. But if Rik coughs, or I turn over, or someone says something, sleep ends for me until the middle of the night.
Last Friday night it also didn't help that some young men were standing in front of our neighbor's house (across the street) talking and carrying on until almost 3 AM when a thunderstorm and rain finally drove them away.
I try not to nap during the day so that I hopefully can sleep at night. I am open to trying new techniques to deal with insomnia. I already practice yoga breathing and counting backwards from 100. I really prefer not to get out of bed in the middle of the night.
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